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Free Webinar: Resilience 2.0 - In It Together in partnership with Sabio

Published on 07 March 2023

Free Webinar: Resilience 2.0 - In It Together in partnership with Sabio

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Event date: 07/03/2023 12:00 - 13:00 Export event

Resilience 2.0 - In It Together ... the power of community, identity and control
 - Setting the scene - Agent Experience (AX) in the contact centre today.  The cost of poor agent mental health and the opportunity for change.
 - Resilience as a team sport - the importance of creating an environment where agents can be their best.
 - The power of data in creating this environment - and in driving a systematic approach to wellbeing.
 - Key Takeaways - what can I do today?

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