Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

2025 Spring Customer Strategy & Planning Conference (In-person)

Tuesday 29th April 2025, Grand Hotel Gosforth Park, Newcastle

Learn WHY we need to keep “Raising Standards in Customer Operations" 
Our flagship Conference, this highly rated event is far more than just a conference. Designed specifically to focus on the hot topics within the industry and thought leadership whilst also delivering practical skills with new ways of thinking that will enhance you as a person. 

2025 Spring Customer Strategy & Planning Conference (Virtual)

24th - 28th March 2025

Learn WHY we need to keep “Raising Standards in Customer Operations" 
Our flagship Conference, this highly rated event is far more than just a conference. Designed specifically to focus on the hot topics within the industry and thought leadership whilst also delivering practical skills with new ways of thinking that will enhance you as a person.