2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Virtual Network Groups

Technology Showcase: Business Systems

Technology Showcase: Business Systems

Originally broadcast Thursday 1st October 2020, 12:30

Inspired People go above and beyond – so how can you inspire your employees to engage with your planning team to drive impressive ROI? Your employees need to work in a positive environment so they can continue to grow, remained inspired and be more productive. So how can WFM help with this?

Technology Showcase: Calabrio

Technology Showcase: Calabrio

Originally broadcast Friday 2nd October 2020, 12:30

The State of the Contact Centre: Embracing the Evolving World of Work Join Ed Creasey, Director of Pre-Sales for Calabrio, as we explore how leading contact centres are turning disruption to their advantage. From the rapid increase in importance of the contact centre, to changes in demands from employees and customers, we will be envisioning the contact centre of the future. Join us to discuss tangible ways to embrace this evolving world of work.

Conference Endnote

Conference Endnote

Originally broadcast Friday 4th December 2020, 09:15

Positive habits for a successful career With so much uncertainty in the world, it is important to take control of our conduct, behaviour and attitude. Developing simple positive habits can make a huge impact on how you learn, share ideas and ultimately transform yourself and our career. This endnote presentation will take a look at the role of professionalism, how to build positive habits and an opportunity to hear from members who have transformed themselves during 2020.

Free webinar: Harnessing AI & Automation For Seamless Customer Journeys Sponsored by Sabio

Free webinar: Harnessing AI & Automation For Seamless Customer Journeys Sponsored by Sabio

Harnessing AI and automation for your customer journeys can do wonders. But how? Join us as we cover how you can fully harvest the ROI of technology: delivering better service and improving your operational efficiency. 18th February 2021 12.00.

According to Business Insider, everyone’s ‘freaking out’ about AI stealing jobs, while – according to new research – 46% of UK respondents actually still have no idea what AI is all about.

Harnessing AI and automation for your customer journeys can do wonders, offering a customer facing service 24/7, helping agents deliver a better service and improving operational efficiency. But in order to fully harvest the ROI of technology, companies must take the right approach, following a few simple steps.
Join Phil Anderson, Director at The Forum and Stu Dorman from Sabio as we highlight opportunities for automation and AI along the entire customer service journey. We will discuss the common pitfalls to avoid and some practical steps to identify their right place and role.

Keynote: Unlocking Opportunities

Keynote: Unlocking Opportunities

Originally broadcast Monday 26th April. 2021, 09:30

Hear from Phil Anderson, Director at The Forum with the conference opening keynote. Understand how disruption can pave the way for new opportunities and how you can become key to unlocking change and development.

Free Webinar: Planning For Covid Series 3 What are the top challenges organisations face right now?

Free Webinar: Planning For Covid Series 3 What are the top challenges organisations face right now?

The Planning for Covid-19 series 3 will again share real-life examples of the challenges along with practical ideas to limit the impact and even prevent these from happening.
 - Understand the current top challenges from across the industry.
 - Hear how different organisations are approaching these with new and innovating ideas.

Standards and Business Accreditation

Standards and Business Accreditation

The Standards programme is designed as a journey of improvement leading towards accreditation for Planning, Insight and Quality teams and functions. Whether you are at the start of your journey, wanting to understand the fundamentals of best practice, or an established team wanting to become best-in-class this programme is you.

Free Webinar: Planning For Covid Series 3 Understanding our customer

Free Webinar: Planning For Covid Series 3 Understanding our customer

Understanding our customer. Historical seasonality and demand profiles have changed making forecasting harder than ever. How can we identify short-term changes to long-term trends? 
 - Understand the current top challenges from across the industry.
 - Hear how different organisations are approaching these with new and innovating ideas.

Keynote: Unlocking Opportunities

Keynote: Unlocking Opportunities

Originally broadcast Monday 1st November 2021, 09:30

How has our thinking changed during 2021? Phil Anderson and Dave Vernon, Directors at The Forum will explore the ever-changing business environment and the different approaches being taken to drive forward with improvements.

Conference Endnote

Conference Endnote

Originally broadcast Friday 5th November 2021, 09:30

Learn how to invest your time wisely to help you spend time on the things that matter the most. Doing something different on a daily basis.

Looking back on 2021

Looking back on 2021

2021 was our year for Unlocking Opportunities. Doing more of what we do well is a great opportunity that we don’t always fully exploit. One of the most valuable things we can do is put time aside to reflect on what has gone well. When things go wrong we are quick to review, so that we can learn from our mistakes. We are not so good at learning from our successes. If we can repeat and build on our successes then that has to be a good thing. As we come to the end of 2021 it is time to look back on what we have done well, so that in 2022 we can do it again only better.

Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed

Moment of Truth: Confident to Succeed

Our actions, or inaction, will define us. We are the key to our own success. During 2021 we focused on unlocking opportunities and the part each of us can play in helping to shape the future. For 2022 we want to focus you on your Moment of Truth and being confident to succeed.

Keynote: Your Moment of Truth

Keynote: Your Moment of Truth

Originally broadcast Monday 4th April 2022, 09:30

Confident to Succeed Every day we practice living versus an ever-changing world and environment. Those who strive to learn and improve can adapt better. Those who are contempt with how they are or refuse to accept the changes around them will find it hard to catch-up as the change required to survive and thrive becomes bigger.

Your Moment of Truth: confident to succeed

Your Moment of Truth: confident to succeed

For our 22nd year, we focus on the opportunity we have, as professionals, to drive successful improvements, whether in planning, insight, or customer experience. This Best Practice theme for 2022 represents the next stage of this coming of age for our professional disciplines.

So, we invite you to consider your moments of truth. What makes you confident to succeed?

Liquorice Consistents – Does somebody at Bassetts not like me?

Liquorice Consistents – Does somebody at Bassetts not like me?

At our Customer Strategy & Planning Connections conference in Newcastle on 26th April ‘22 we explored probability using Liquorice Allsorts.

Questions to consider for annual leave

Questions to consider for annual leave

As the world reboots after the firm reset of the Pandemic, we have the opportunity to revisit, redefine and reshape how we have done things. 2020 was a strange year, especially for annual leave, as lockdown restrictions changed how we used annual leave and the Government stating leave can be carried over, firmly “kicking the can” down the road, to give us a problem for another day (or year).

Free Webinar: More than the Great Resignation in partnership with Davies

Free Webinar: More than the Great Resignation in partnership with Davies

The continued challenge of recruitment and retention is nothing new for the contact centre industry, with increasing levels of staff turnover and the challenge of retaining knowledge. The potential impact on costs, service and customer experience are clear – but what are the underlying reasons for this and what should organisations be doing to tackle this problem head on?
A broad range of initiatives are being adopted, some of which previously may have been restricted to start-up and high-tech organisations. Unfortunately, there isn’t a “one size fits all” silver bullet and the broadening chase for talent means that a range of dimensions needs to be continually reviewed and addressed.

Join Philip Michell, Consulting Director at Davies on the 08 September for The Forum’s webinar, as he reveals insights into the issues and explores the underlying reasons why the “Great Resignation” is impacting contact centre teams disproportionately, and what employers should be doing to address these reasons to return to stability.

Learning from the 2022 Finalists

Learning from the 2022 Finalists

Learning from others is at the centre of our ethos. Each year our members share their stories across Planning, Insight, Quality, Knowledge Management, Partnership and Innovation. Learning how other approach challenges along with the solution they choose, as well as don’t choose helps us to make better decision and less mistakes. This webinar will:
 - Showcase the winners from the 2022 Awards and identify key trends and challenges
 - Help you to become more effective in your role
 - Learn how to access over 100 inspiring case studies
Free Webinar:‘3 is the magic number’ Top tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme in partnership with BPA Quality

Free Webinar:‘3 is the magic number’ Top tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme in partnership with BPA Quality

BPA Quality share their Top 3 tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme.  Hear from BPA’s Pete Dunn & Martin Teasdale as they join The Forum’s Chris Rainsforth to discuss three critical ways that will deliver immeasurable improvement to your QA Process. This interactive session will give you new thinking and approaches that you can apply in your organisation today!

Free Webinar: What is happening with Contact Centre Employee Performance? In partnership with Centrical

Free Webinar: What is happening with Contact Centre Employee Performance? In partnership with Centrical

In these uncertain times, employee engagement is crucial. Hiring is becoming difficult and the cost of turnover is growing. How are contact centre leaders dealing with engaging their workforce? Chris Rainsforth and Ian Chappell will discuss the Centrical report “The Reality of Contact Centre Employee Performance” (based on the responses of 241 contact centre leaders).
To grow employee engagement, 64.7% of respondents plan to increase compensation and benefits, with scheduling flexibility (54.8%) and improving manager communications (56.4%) identified as key focus areas.
Uncover insights and advice on what industry leaders plan to do to ensure their employees are engaged and performing well:
 - Tracking and improving employee engagement
 - Key focus areas to enhance the employee experience
 - Top worker management priorities in the contact centre