2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

2025 Spring Awards Party

Tuesday 29th April 2025

As the Customer Strategy & Planning conference ends, the Awards Party will follow later in the evening. Join us for food, drinks and live entertainment. This celebratory evening includes the presentation for our 2025 Awards – please dress to impress!
With an informal atmosphere, the Awards Party will be a great opportunity for the community to enjoy themselves and celebrate the success of the award finalists. Most importantly, The Deadbeats will be back with their live music and bandioke which gives an opportunity for you to sing with the band.

Places are £85 +VAT per person for members, £100 +VAT per person for non-members.
Tables of 10 – £850 (£1000 for non-members)
Due to a record number of awards entries this year, purchases of less than 10 seats may mean that you will be seated with guests from other organisations
Please book early to avoid disappointment as we may not have capacity for all guests who wish to join us.
Book using the form below.

Pre-party drinks sponsored by: 








Running Order

Complimentary pre-dinner drinks sponsored by Peopleware (formerly Injixo) - Classics Suite

Take your seats for Dinner - Grandstand Suite

Dinner Service

Awards Presentations

Disco and Live band with Bandioke – The Deadbeats



Grand Hotel Gosforth Park Newcastle
High Gosforth Park, 
Newcastle, NE3 5HN
We have negotiated a rate with the hotel of £99 incl VAT bed and breakfast (single occupancy).
As long as rooms are booked via our booking link guests are guaranteed rooms in the main part of the hotel, these are the better rooms and are being held for our event.
If you book via an alternative route we cannot guarantee that you will have access to the better rooms. In which case you may have a better experience booking into a nearby hotel.

Prices & Booking

Places are £85 +VAT per person for members, £100 per person +VAT for non-members.
All invoices must be settled before the party begins. A credit card guarantee can be used to hold a place. All bookings are subject to The Forum's normal terms which can be read here. Cancellation does not automatically mean an invoice is no longer payable.

Register Now

Fill in your details to register for the 2025 Awards Party