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Partner Article: Gamification Releases Chemical Transmitters That Improve Employee Engagement & Performance at Alvaria

Published on 18 January 2022

Partner Article: Gamification Releases Chemical Transmitters That Improve Employee Engagement & Performance at Alvaria

There is no doubt employee engagement has never been a higher business priority—especially for contact centers. The necessity to quickly move from a primarily on-premises to remote workforce due to COVID-19 caught many companies off-guard. The good news is that most have successfully gotten their employees up and running remotely. This new work-from-anywhere (WFA) workforce has amplified existing employee demands and is challenging businesses to accelerate their response to meet them. 

So, what can companies do to address the challenge of improving employee motivation and engagement? For many, the answer is to deploy a unified employee engagement solution.

Keep reading to learn how gamification helps improve employee performance. 

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: Library, Partner News

