2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

Gathering Qualitative Feedback

Hosted 14th June 2019 by Phil Anderson

Hear about different methods for collecting information along with the pitfalls to avoid. Learn how to engage with your stakeholder to gather feedback and information to improve your planning.

- Understand different methods for gathering feedback
- Improve your questioning skills and start to gather honest usable feedback
- Learn how to gather feedback that make you feel good

Introduction to Stakeholder Management

Without being able to work alongside key stakeholders, there is little value to being an excellent planner as your plans will not come to fruition!  You need to understand who your stakeholders are and how to communicate with them successfully.
 - Learn how to map your stakeholder network
 - See how different people benefit from different approaches and language
 - Understand how to make your outputs flexible for multiple audiences

The Strategy Pyramid

Before setting targets and goals it is important that these are aligned to strategies that support your organisational goals. In this module;
 - Understand your organisational goals
 - See how to balance your strategies
 - Learn how to align the right metrics and targets to your strategies

Principles of Persuasion

Hosted on 7th May 2020 by Phil Anderson

It is vital that Planning, Quality and Insight teams are able to engage with and influence their key stakeholders within their organisation. Stakeholders may need to be persuaded to change their view on something in order to become an advocate. 
 - What is Persuasion?
 - Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion
 - Key Persuasion Techniques and the Influencing Toolkit


Hosted On 12th May 2020 By Ian Robertson

Benchmarking is important in understanding best practice, comparing ourselves with our competitors and becoming the best, but there are many pitfalls to avoid. In this module;
 - Hear the value of benchmarking
 - Learn how to avoid the common mistakes
 - Hear our top tips for benchmarking

Understanding people (including how to say no)

Hosted on 12th May 2020 by Ian Robertson & Phil Anderson

Understanding Growth / Fixed mindset:

- What happens in our heads when we hear or say "no"
- Learn to handle objections

Communication Planning

Hosted on 29th May 2020 by Phil Anderson

This module will help you to create an effective communication plan to deliver the right information at the right time, with natural review points to continual refresh and maintain relevance.
 - Being clear on your purpose
 - Review different channels and methods for distribution
 - Understand the best time to deliver

Intro to The Planning Cycle

Learn the role planning plays in implementing your strategic objectives.  Understand the importance of your role and how you can help others.
 - Understand how the strategic objective is implemented into a forecasting, scheduling and real-time plan.
 - Learn about the importance of effective data checkpoints, change governance and hand-overs
 - Play a part in driving continuous improvement and become the nerve-centre of the business

Stakeholder Mapping

Hosted on 7th July 2020

This course provides an overview of the fundamental components of successful stakeholder management. Learning outcomes include: 
- The value of Stakeholder Identification 
- Fundamentals of stakeholder mapping 
- The benefits of stakeholder influencing

Introduction to Influencing Skills

Being able to influence the decision of others is a key skill for all planners.  In this session, learn the basic approaches which will allow your audience to process information in their own way, using their beliefs and memories to deliver great outcomes.
 - Learn the difference between Tell, Ask and Influence
 - Understand how people make decisions
 - See how the language of engagement helps influencing