2023 Customer Strategy & Planning (Virtual)

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Partner Article: Revolutionising CX with Next Generation Cloud Technology

Published on 16 May 2022

Partner Article: Revolutionising CX with Next Generation Cloud Technology

Following the pandemic, the definition of customer experience has been redefined. They expect outstanding service using the channels they prefer (voice, video, text, chat, etc.), with agents who are knowledgeable and empowered to problem-solve quickly. At the same time, work-from-anywhere trends have created new opportunities and challenges in delivering exceptional customer experience.  

Alvaria CTO, David Funck recently shared how you can use cloud technology to:  

•    Create and deliver on the experience customer's demand 
•    Increase customer engagement and satisfaction 
•    Empower work-from-home agents 

Watch it on-demand now!  

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Author: Leanne McNamee

Categories: Library, Partner News

