2025 Best Practice Guide
Raising Standards

The Forum Membership

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Communities of Best Practice

Get connected to raise standards. As independent champions of best practice and professional development, we are widely recognised as the ‘go-to place’ for innovation in customer operations. Join our professional community and access best practice and learning resources, with year-round support. Extend your professional network, benchmark against the best in class and learn from the innovators and pioneers.
"Sharing ideas and experience provides a springboard for change. We grow in confidence. We see what works and know the pitfalls to avoid. We can help you invest in the right place, to focus on what matters most, extend your reach and add value"
As a member, you are not on your own but part of a community with others facing many similar challenges. We are here to help you to make a tangible impact in your organisation and show how developing the capability of each specialist professional function is fundamental to your business.
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If you would like to know more around our Forums or have an informal chat around joining The Forum please contact either:
The Forum – Advice
t: 0333 123 5960

Dave Vernon - Director of Membership & Best Practice
t: 07956 497 800