Forecasting & Analysis Modules

Incorporate all relevant data, using statistical and expert methods to produce the best possible predictions. Further your knowledge about what performs best for your problems.  

Free Webinar: The Looming Contact Centre Agent Experience Crisis: Understand, Avoid, and Ascend in partnership with eGain

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Agent experience (AX) and well-being are among the top priorities in contact centres, but did you know that they are in danger of slipping into a crisis because of the lack of modern knowledge tools in the agent desktop?
At this webinar, you will:
 - Learn from the horse's mouth (i.e., from agents themselves) what they are saying about their experience and how you can avoid the crisis with modern knowledge
 - Review the findings from a unique, agent-only survey, conducted by BenchmarkPortal, a leading contact centre benchmarking organisation
 - Learn what modern knowledge is and what it can do for AX (agent experience) and CX (customer experience). With Modern knowledge, you won't need to train agents endlessly on how to navigate customer conversations or have them read through voluminous documents and figure out an answer when the customer is on the line!

Free Webinar: How to Turn Customer Conversations into Actionable Insight in partnership with talkdesk

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Great insights help brands to strengthen their customer experience and adapt to the needs of their customers. Companies need the right tools to capture more data from conversations since these are a great way to gather insights.
At this webinar you will learn:
 - The 4 attributes of useful conversational insights
 - How to get the data for conversational insights
 - How AI can analyse conversations at scale

Free Webinar: Outsourcing

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What are the key ingredients for a Outsource partnership? This webinar will explore the advantages of working with a strategic partner to support and help you realise your goals.
 - Hear how you can stay in control and drive even better results
 - Learn best practice principles to build a great partnership
 - Gain valuable insight into the advantages of outsourcing

Free Webinar: Focus on what matters most

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The true success of any metric lies in the behaviour that it drives, so choose wisely what you report or target, and build a strong foundation of diagnostic measures first. Great performance doesn’t happen by chance. This webinar will:
 - Help you to understand how a metric can serve many purposes
 - How you move away from average and understand variability and change
 - Learn to influence and drive better decisions

Free Webinar: Best Practice Guide Review

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Let’s focus on the opportunity we have, as professionals, to drive improvement, whether in Planning, Insight or Customer Experience. Published earlier this year the 2022 Best Practice guide continues to be the Knowledge Management of thought leadership for the industry. This webinar will:
 - Introduce you to the key themes and trends to help you to be prepared for anything
 - Hear from members as they describe what they’ve learned form this year guide
 - Learn how to access a goldmine of content and be confident to succeed

Free Webinar: What are brand guardians and why are they important? In partnership with Calabrio

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The vast majority of consumers (97%) and contact centre managers (98%) agree that customer service interactions have an impact on customer loyalty.  Today, improving the customer experience (CX) is top of the business agenda and the role of contact centres is transforming – with agents starring as brand guardians. Train agents, and treat them well so they become your greatest assets with the power to influence the overall perception of your organisation, enhance customer loyalty and boost profits.  

Join us for an interactive discussion as we explore the importance of brand guardianship. Pick up a few tips and techniques: 

- How do you build a culture of brand guardianship?
- What qualities make a good brand guardian?
- What can managers do to recruit and nurture their brand saviours?

Sharing the latest research from across the UK, US, DACH, and Nordics, Ed Creasey from Calabrio will look at how agent stress, omnichannel assumptions, and data silos are just some of the factors eroding the brand experience and what you can do today to change that.

Free Webinar: What is happening with Contact Centre Employee Performance? In partnership with Centrical

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In these uncertain times, employee engagement is crucial. Hiring is becoming difficult and the cost of turnover is growing. How are contact centre leaders dealing with engaging their workforce? Chris Rainsforth and Ian Chappell will discuss the Centrical report “The Reality of Contact Centre Employee Performance” (based on the responses of 241 contact centre leaders).
To grow employee engagement, 64.7% of respondents plan to increase compensation and benefits, with scheduling flexibility (54.8%) and improving manager communications (56.4%) identified as key focus areas.
Uncover insights and advice on what industry leaders plan to do to ensure their employees are engaged and performing well:
 - Tracking and improving employee engagement
 - Key focus areas to enhance the employee experience
 - Top worker management priorities in the contact centre

Free Webinar: Budgeting

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How to create an enjoyable budget process in 3 easy steps! It may take a few extra steps, however we need to start working towards an ongoing, collaborative budget cycle which drive accountability and shared responsibility. This webinar will:
 - Look at different approaches to budget and how these can be used to gain different perspectives
 - Focus on what matters and understand the difference between diagnostic measures and targets
 - Create a “Best-in-class” budget process which is enjoyable!

Free Webinar: Sickness, Presenteeism and Shrinkage

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Wouldn’t it be great if we all understood Shrinkage! The 3A’s of Absence, Attrition and Annual Leave will remain problems until we truly understand these and learn how be manage and plan more effectively. In addition, we now have Presenteeism to add another layer of complexity. Fortunately, this webinar will:
 - Explain and define these commonly used terms to gain a shared understanding
 - Introduce the Shrinkage Wheel to effectively benchmark and deepen understanding
 - Become more confident in setting and describing these key assumptions

Free Webinar:‘3 is the magic number’ Top tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme in partnership with BPA Quality

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BPA Quality share their Top 3 tips for improving your Quality Assurance programme.  Hear from BPA’s Pete Dunn & Martin Teasdale as they join The Forum’s Chris Rainsforth to discuss three critical ways that will deliver immeasurable improvement to your QA Process. This interactive session will give you new thinking and approaches that you can apply in your organisation today!